North's SmaRTK line of Double-Frequency L1+L2 GNSS RTK receivers, with internal OS, broadcasting corrections by Cellular/Mobile modem or UHF Radio-modems, with millimetric accuracy, fully compatible with North's receivers, Android or Windows controllers and any NMEA GIS or Surveying software.
SmaRTK GNSS Receivers - L1+L2 RTK

North's RTKite line of Double-Frequency L1+L2 GNSS RTK System-on-Module receivers, to give millimetric positioning to Drone, Robotics or Industrial applications, fully compatible with North's receivers and CORS Station, as Base, Rover RTK or PPK.
RTKite GNSS Module Receivers - L1+L2 RTK

SmaRTK Double and Single-Frequency GNSS RTK receivers, with Cellular modem or UHF Radio-modems and millimetric accuracy.
SmaRTK Hybrid RTK Receiver

Double-Frequency L1+L2 GNSS PPK System-on-Module receivers, for millimetric positioning on Post-Processed works.
PPKoord L1+L2 PPK Receiver

GNSS Antennas, UHF Radiomodem modules, Tablet controllers, software, cables and accessories for North receivers.
UHF, GNSS, Software and Accessories
Order direct from North's Factory. If you are an OEM integrator or Representative, contact us to get Access to special pricing. Select from a wide catalog of GNSS RTK and PPK Receivers, fully integrated as well as module receivers to add millimetric positioning accuracy to any Project. North supplies since 2007 to Robotic integrators, Self Driving vehicles auto-makers, Land Surveyors, Scientific applications as Bathymetry, Water quality, drones, machine control, agriculture and many more.
If you have any specific question, Contact Us and we'll reply to you in less tan 24 hours.